Coronavirus has many of us working from home, juggling home life and work life in a way we never have before. It can be challenging to remain focussed and productive when distractions such as children or that series you’re addicted to or the possibility of a nap are always at the back of your mind.
If you are working from home, first send a thought of gratitude to those members of our society – our essential workers and others – who are simply unable to work from home. Next, let’s talk about how you can get a great start to your day and stay productive while working from home, because we wouldn’t be surprised if remote working becomes the new norm well after Covid-19.
Tip #1: Set a consistent schedule – and that includes breaks
You will be more productive if you set a regular schedule for yourself. This means waking up at the same time every week day, and setting times to start and stop work. Don’t forget to schedule regular breaks as well. Productive people plan times to step away from their work, which allows them to rejuvenate and feel ready to tackle their tasks again.
Tip #2: Make lists, lots of lists
When working from home, you can become overwhelmed with work, home, and family tasks. A great tip is to start putting all your projects into lists. A list gets your thoughts out of your head so you can focus on the task at hand. Have checklists for the different aspects of your life, from projects around the house to work to family needs. Then, when something pops up, you can add it to the list, and keep working on the task at hand.
Tip #3: Don’t forget about self-care
Yes, we acknowledge that “self-care” might be a bit of a buzz word at the moment, but there’s a reason for that! One of the best ways to stay productive for others is to take time out of your week to do something for yourself. Giving yourself this gift takes some stress out of the current situation, and when you take care of yourself, you can take care of others.
Tip #4: Get enough sleep
The key to being productive is getting enough sleep. Sleep is important for your performance at work because it helps with learning and problem-solving. When you don’t get enough sleep, you might not be able to focus and you might even feel extra stressed and irritable, and lacking in motivation.
Sealy sleep tips
- If possible, try not to work from your bedroom or in bed. Keep work and bedtime separate, so your bedroom always feels like a place where you can escape, unwind and relax.
- Soak up some sun in the mornings. Being cooped up inside the house all day can mean less time soaking up valuable Vitamin D. Exposure to the bright natural light of the morning helps you sleep better and lowers feelings of depression and anxiety.
- Be smart about napping. It certainly is a real temptation when you work from home! If you have trouble falling asleep at night, limit naps to 15 to 20 minutes in the afternoon.
- Exercise during the day. The tougher your workout, the better impact it has on your sleep. However, try not to do vigorous exercise two hours or so before bed.
- Limit caffeine and nicotine during the day, cut back on sugary foods and don’t drink too many alcoholic beverages close to bedtime.
- Establish a good bedtime routine. Wind down before bed with a long, hot bath, some meditation, reading, etc.
- Create the optimal sleep environment. Keep your room cool and dark. Use comfy pillows and inspect your mattress. If your mattress has lumps in it, if it’s squeaky or if it’s sagging in places, it’s probably time to invest in a new bed. Mattresses should ideally be replaced every eight to 10 years.
In times of high stress, one of the smartest things you can do is invest in a good quality mattress so you can enjoy deep, restorative sleep. The technology that goes into every Sealy mattress has one important purpose: To enable the best sleep quality. Years of research and development go into each design, which is based on the foundational principles of orthopaedic support. This means a Sealy mattress is able to offer spinal support, which allows your muscles to relax, and also offers targeted pressure relief so that you don’t toss and turn during the night in an effort to get comfortable.
If you think your mattress might be interfering with your quality of sleep, spend some time browsing the Sealy range on our website. Our sleep research and sleep tech development is constantly evolving so if you haven’t bought a bed in the past 10 years, you’re missing out on our latest innovations and the chances are you’re also missing out on a mattress that offers next-level comfort.
Remember that not everyone’s home situation is the same. When it comes to working from home, what works for others might not be the best for you. However, when good quality sleep becomes a priority, you will find that not only can you handle stressful situations better but you’re also more productive, resilient and patient.