Teenagers and sleep: Top 10 Christmas gifts

Teenagers and sleep can be an interesting challenge. Either they’re sleeping too much or sleeping too little. However, for a teenager, sleep is very important.

It helps their brain develop, helps them concentrate more and make them feel happier. The average teenager should be getting seven to eleven hours of sleep every night. You would think that since your teenager is spending so much time in their room, that they’re spending a good portion of that time sleeping, but this isn’t always the case.

Teens experience a natural shift in their circadian rhythm and it’s more difficult for them to fall asleep before 11pm. Add to that early school morning starts, extracurricular activities and distractions from their mobile phones and the Internet, chances are your young adult isn’t getting as much sleep as they should. Help teens sleep better by limiting screens in the bedroom, encouraging them to exercise more and to get fresh air during the day, and introducing them to a good bedtime routine.

When it comes to teenagers and sleep, a sleep-friendly bedroom would also help. We’ve put together a list of some of the best Christmas gifts to your teen on their sleep journey:

  1. Fairy lights are a great way to decorate and light up the room! Hang it above your teenager’s bed to create a soft glow for them to bask in before they go to bed. Buy them at CottonOn.
  2. South African stormy summer nights can be humid and hot. Pop this hot-or-cold pad in the freezer and cuddle with it to cool down. And in winter, put it in the microwave and warm yourself up! Available in a variety of animals, ranging from a poodle to a sloth. You’ll find them at Typo.
  3. A quick easy gift to get your teenager is a sleeping mask. It helps block out any light that may disturb their sleep and helps them sleep long and heavier. They are fairly easy to find, but we love these BodyShop sleep masks.
  4. Get your child some decorative bedding to adorn their bed with! Patterned throw pillows, a duvet cover and some woolly throws will decorate and add more character to your teen’s room. Don’t forget, the sheets are important too since they envelope your body while you sleep. Sealy sheets are 100% cotton Percale, with a minimum 200 thread count. This soft, breathable fabric will definitely contribute to a better night’s sleep!
  5. Teenage girls in particular will love this gift, but teen boys would benefit from it too: An overnight sleep mask. Put it on before bed and wake up with beautiful, rejuvenated skin. Since it is worn for longer than a usual face mask, it gives the minerals in the mask a longer time to work. The Skoon Ruby Overnight Hydrating Mask is a great sleep mask, made right here in South Africa.
  6. Light, comfy PJs are a gift that help contribute to better sleep. Mr Price has a fantastic range of pyjamas. Check them out here.
  7. A Fitbit is a great Christmas gift for your teen! Not only is it easy to accessories, but it can track your activities during the day and at night! By downloading the Fitbit app, the smart watch can help your teen better understand their sleeping hours and when they fall in and out of a deep sleep.
  8. A cooling gel mask can help your teen reduce their under-eye bags and help with swollen eyes. Wearing it before you go to sleep (or even while you sleep) can give great results the next morning.
  9. Sometimes, the home environment can be noisy and makes it difficult for teenagers to sleep peacefully. Gift them some noise cancelling headphones to help them sleep better. You’ll find some at Takealot.com.
  10. Soothing music before bed can help induce a more peaceful sleep. Buy your teen a Spotify premium account so they can listen to some relaxing music without being interrupted by an advert. Your teen will love this gift during the waking hours, too!

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