Natural ways to manage anxiety

Anxiety is sometimes caused by either dwelling too much in the future or in the past – worrying about things that might or might not happen and letting our mind rest on painful experiences of the past. One of the key natural ways to manage anxiety is to be fully present in the current moment.

Anxiety is your body’s natural response to stress, and it serves a very real and valuable purpose in our lives. It lets us know when we are in danger and helps us identify possible risks. However, if anxiety is left unchecked, it can spiral out of control and can end up having a negative impact on your quality of life.

There are a number of ways to treat anxiety. Therapy can help to explore the reasons behind your anxiety and can also give you tools for managing the anxiety. Medications like anti-depressants and sedatives work to balance your brain chemistry.

How to manage anxiety naturally

Big and small lifestyle changes can also have an impact on your anxiety. Below are a few natural remedies for anxiety.

  • Move your body

A new study published in January 2022 showed that regular, moderate exercise can help improve symptoms of anxiety.

  • Consume less alcohol

Alcohol changes the level of feel-good chemicals in the brain. You might feel less anxious when you’ve had a drink or too, but the anxiety returns, sometimes even worse, as the alcohol starts to wear off. Alcohol also interferes with your sleep, which leads us to the next point…

  • Make sleep a priority

Sleep deprivation worsens anxiety, and deep sleep protects against anxiety. However, if you battle with anxiety, sometimes trying to fall asleep can cause more anxiety. Good ‘sleep hygiene’ can help improve bedtime battles. This includes going to bed and waking up at the same time every morning, exposure to daylight, turn off all screens about an hour before bedtime, etc.

  • Meditate and practice mindfulness

The main goal of meditation is to learn to rest your mind in the present moment. There are many different types of meditation available to try out, including focussed meditation, mantra meditation, loving-kindness meditation, visualisation meditation, etc.

Create the ideal sleep environment

In general, sleep can take its toll on mental health, including triggering anxiety. Setting up an environment that promotes rest will allow you to fall asleep faster and enjoy a more refreshing sleep.

  • Use black out curtains or blinds to make your room dark
  • Keep your room at the ideal temperature, usually between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius
  • Ensure you have the right mattress that provides adequate support and comfort for the perfect sleep. (Use the Sealy Mattress Selector tool to find the best Sealy for your sleep profile.)
  • Control noise. If outside noises are unmanageable, it might be worthwhile investing in ear plugs or a sound machine.
  • Keep your bedroom as clutter-free as possible.

The perfect sleeping environment is a highly personal matter, but with the above tips and your intuition, you’ll be well on your way to creating your own sleep sanctuary. As far as interventions to help manage anxiety, many of these suggestions are low-risk and low-cost, and the side effects are mostly good. It’s worth a try.

Why women get less sleep than men

Women are 20% more likely to have a sleeping disorder, require more sleep than their male counterparts to stay healthy and are 45% more likely